Rita Newton
I am very excited about this page  being changed to 'Bigfoot Artist'. I am an artist myself
and from meeting some truly wonderful, talented fellow artist,  through paranormal
investigations  and through this website I have decided to show case some of their  work
along with mine. Most of the pieces on this page will be for sale.  I'll have info on how
you can purchase whatever catches your eye.
An artist I have known for many years now, Dorothy Sullivan will have her art work on here also
Bigfoot Artists
Page Dedicated to the Memory of
Bigfoot Artist, Rita Newton
Poured, Sculpted
& Painted
Alabama Bigfoot Society
I dedicate this page to  one of the first 'paranormal artist' I met through the site, Rita
Newton, a Bigfoot artist from Wetumpka, Alabama, who owned and ran Concreatures, a
lawn ornament shop. And as Rita told me many times it was located on the first
mountain in the Appalachian Mountain Chain. And although she'd never seen a Bigfoot,
she just felt  that one sat in the forest across from her shop everyday and watched her.
The Bigfoot pictured is one of her creations. I would very much like to add a photo of
Rita on the page, so if anyone out there has a picture of Rita, maybe one while she
worked in her shop I would appreciate you sending me a copy so everyone can meet her
Rita also worked hard promoting Alabama Bigfoot Society In central Alabama.
(My email address is on Contact Us Page)
Sadly she passed away in October 2013.
She is greatly missed.
Page currently under construction